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Sistemi per il trattamento dell'acqua
      water system treatment


Pulse-sender water meters


Threaded water meters

TC1 Series TH1 Series TC0 Series
- Single-jet water meters with
  pulse sender

- Dry dial
- Roller reading
- 4 or 1 pulse/l
- Cold water up to 30 °C
- Connections: from ½"(13mm)
  to 2” (50 mm)
- Single-jet water meters with
  pulse sender

- Dry dial
- Roller reading
- 4 or 1 pulse/l
- Hot water up to 90 °C
- Connections: from ½"(13mm)
  to 2” (50 mm)
- Single-jet water meters
  without pulse sender

- Dry or wet dial
- Roller reading
- Cold water up to 30 °C
- Connections: from ½"(13 mm)
  to 2” (50 mm)

Flanged water meters

FC Series
- A high capacity helical vane (Woltmann) type water meter
- Dry dial reading
- Pulse sender
- Cold water up to 50°C
- Connections: from 2"(DN50) to 6” (DN 150)



Tanks, mixers and suction devices



Tanks in polyethylene

Our tanks are designed to assemble dosing systems with mixers and motor driven pumps or solenoid dosing pumps. All are made from food-safe polyethylene, resistant to almost all chemicals normally encountered.


Material:      Polyetylene HD
Color:          White, blue
Arrangement for threaded drain hole:             Ø 1/2" until 300 liters 
                                                                        Ø 1" for 500-1000 liters

Capacity Diameter Height Filling hole
(lt)  (mm)  (mm)  (mm)
60 400 530 110
120 500 680 200
220 620 800 200
300  710 890 200
500 885 1000   200
 1000  1100 1200   200


Material:        Polyetylene HD
Color:            White
Cap inspecton                                                threaded diam. 110 mm
                                  (for capacity 250-500)  threaded diam. 310 mm
Arrangement for threaded drain hole:            Ø 1/2" until a 300 litri 
                                                                       Ø 1" for 500-1000 litri

Capacity side x side  Heigth
(lt)  (mm) (mm)
60 545x395 395
90 725x395 335
120 880x490 300 
250 825x615 620 
500 1000x700 800 


 print Accessories for dosing pumps  


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